PEP-PAC Statement Thank you to everyone who has contributed to PEP-PAC recently and to our members who have given regularly over the years. It’s likely an understatement to say that the current political climate is difficult to navigate, and we understand the concerns about how we maintain our integrity as an organization while still participating in the political process in a productive way. In the emergency department, doing what is right for our patients is a difficult and sometimes thankless endeavor. In legislative and regulatory circles, our obligation to advocate for our patients and our specialty can be even more challenging, requiring us to engage with stakeholders with different interests and perspectives. To be effective advocates, we continue to engage with elected representatives and their staff, of all political parties and philosophies, in discourse and discussions about the important issues that impact emergency physicians and our patients. Now more than ever, it is imperative that PACEP lead productive and positive conversations, at the bedside and in Harrisburg. Thank you for your continued support and please reach out with any questions or concerns.
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